Sunday 24 August 2008

Welcome to the FdA Version of Financing & Managing a Small Business

I'll try to keep the blog updated with guidance, advice and useful Small Business Links. In the meantime, here is a introduction to the first session.
And here is the best link you can have to a small business site

Saturday 26 January 2008

Making Access Easier

You can now access all the tasksheets wherever you are. You can view, download, save to your own folders or whatever. I hope this makes life easier.
Look on the right until you see "Skydrive"
All part of the service!
And here's something new too.. Its called "Ning"

Monday 1 October 2007

Session 1

Small Business Management January 2008

This session is really about team formation and exploring the resources available. You also need to join your Google Group where you can access resources, upload files and communicate in real time.

Session 2

OK, so you should by now have generated a list of business ideas and reduced this to a shortlist.

You should have evaluated the 3 businesses systematically using a comparison matrix.

The key task now is to create an effective "word picture" of the business, its character or unique flavour and through this to make the reader as enthusiastic as you are about the idea.

Remember, this is in addition to the USP's and a really good business name!

In teams you can divide up tasks, send to each other for comment and review before agreeing the final version. When you have finished, link the worksheet to you E-Portfolio.


Thursday 26 July 2007